Glossary of keywords


Connotations- The extra linked meaning that goes with any sign, making the meaning personal to the audience

Denotations- The literal meaning of something

Encoding- Meanings are encoded by the producer into the media text and audiences decode the meaning from the text

Mise-en-scene – Everything within the scene such as the costume, lighting,actors,make up, props, setting (CLAMPS)

Realism- A person or thing which represents true life

Visual codes- This is the Mise-en-scene, colour and connotations

Technical codes- This is the lighting, editing and camera angles

Sound- There are two types of sound, diegetic and non diegetic. Diegetic is where the character can either hear the sounds or the music whereas non diegetic is where the character can’t and the sounds were added later, clearly for effect.

Medium- The media platform

Pathetic fallacy- The attribution of human feelings and responses to inanimate objects

Archetype- A type/ model of character which is found in many different types of media text

Polysemic- The association of one word with two meanings

Verisimilitude- The truth of the scene and its reality

Signs- A word or image which represents an object or idea, this can create realism for audiences

Semiotics- This is the study of meaning through the use of signs and symbols



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